Lord Grimthorpe

Anne Willis zen16073 at 5Y7t5C15iM1tSo-YAJbPiYVmMMn-R9zuJsHfHFXr05NV866wG98Bd5xxGLE9_H_32H-Pm0fT0Hc.yahoo.invalid
Wed Dec 17 08:55:43 GMT 2008

On thinking about it, I have simply accepted that Grimthorpe bells are 
bad, but have actually never heard one being rung. What exactly is it 
that made him so sure that he was right, only to be found wanting? Was 
he close to being right? Was it plain arrogance? Answers in plain 
English would be appreciated!


Plain English on Grimthorpe would not be acceptable on any decent chat list.
Clever, but ******



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