[Bell Historians] Bell frame for sale (of no practical use)

David Bagley david at vJMEXqUn1hGpLYCrrjnthd_sceKbdC4Pz7m_fLH4PW5P1WgvgJWExFK3mGLTV-3V-JWzMyriYjIz41lSIhk3oEE9.yahoo.invalid
Tue Mar 18 18:09:54 GMT 2008

The problem with removing and storing old frames is that, apart from some of 
the people on this list, nobody will ever want to visit them, so who is 
going to pay for them to be looked after?

If a frame is no longer suitable for the purpose for which it was built, 
then proper recording in situ, followed by removal or modification is 
probably the best policy.

There are some places where a splendid example of an old frame can be left 
in situ, such as Little Malvern Priory, as there is never going to be any 
chance of any ringing bells there.

By the way, at Little Malvern, there are some coats of arms on the 
hatchments, and one of these has three bells on it :-
This photo is of the display at back of church, not the hatchment itself. 
Any body seen this before?



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