Which are the top 10 bell & /or bellhanging related books?

Ken Webb kenwebb at zpZfp7Mg1iMGantb4HNnDP9m--UdwVO6qCMHNqgNpLQzRxXpBl5Jjw87LFqjMwkX9gTDUoXEldbjI2F3TGFbn7dH7upyMYCUY1PLtcAcTg.yahoo.invalid
Tue Sep 2 17:01:22 BST 2008

Bell books vary - often my opinion on their quality is based on whether I have link to the location etc. 

Who is able to provide their top 10 regarding bells & bell hanging etc. with reasons? I suggest the top 10 must be limited to books which were printed & could in theory be purchased.


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