[Bell Historians] FW: HAVE a bell from the 1700s (selling)would like to know the history

Richard Smith richard at 21AvTLLNJJf0HYQ2DNcjyBXwMWYZStDXAgqz1IWgcSkieAB4qtTX4r0I9klZEscAjz8sjU7xkf-_wRJFzSU.yahoo.invalid
Tue Dec 8 13:56:02 GMT 2009

David Bryant wrote:

> Wouldn't it evaporate before it even got poured into the 
> mould?

Why would it?  The boiling point of silver is 2162°C, fairly 
similar to that of bell metal (which is around 2300°C 
depending on exact composition).


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