[Bell Historians] Re: St Barnabas, Pimlico

Sue Marsden erincaters at Os2b7uWkDm-HMW9oPI348082CmLRaxOSI0bwNg4eeYLqlMQBAu69XVcI1wvraVA4vrrIStRNiCmf4Tob8tJF0uQ.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 20 21:41:52 GMT 2009

> I think latchet stays must be fairly rare now.  .  They were replaced by conventional ones when these bells were rehung by Eayre & Smith in 1998.
> Peter Rivet
>  > Do you think that the rarity of 'latchet' stays like this might get E.H. hot
> under the collar in the event of a re-hang?

Ramey in Hunts had 2 on the treble and second. TThey were replaced by
conventional stays when they were re-hung in the late 1990s. i dpn't
know what happened to them -if I had been more involved I would have
suggested they were kept in the ringing room as a curiousity but I
assume they were disposed of. The frsme was kept thought- the bells
had to be rehung in the existing, inadequate, not particularly
historic wooden frame.



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