[Bell Historians] Development of change ringing

David Andrews d.andrews426 at geCVsqjlNw7z0e1EpDsOvZDayBMBilBxwMe-QrR0xeBDZ119M45mgkjr16pBQ9V1-wB-TurEvKwDvnM6CBFVJbk_JQ.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 16 08:17:37 GMT 2010

At 14:32 15/12/2010, John Camp wrote:
>Did the idea that bells could theoretically be rung in changes result in
>the development of the wheel (three-quarter and then full) or was it the
>development of the wheel which gave rise to the notion of

Interesting question!  I see that John C Eisel also raises it in his article "Developments in Bell Hanging" (in "Change Ringing: the History of an English Art", vol 1, 1987, page 26):

"Is is not known if it was experimentation with change ringing that led to the developments in the control of a bell outlined above [i.e. half -> 3/4 -> full wheel, etc], or whether the control came first and change ringing developed later."

It seems entirely plausible to me that those late-16th century ringers, wanting to ring something more interesting than rounds and simple call changes with their half-wheels, drove the development of the full wheel. The question is, what evidence might support this hypothesis? A list of changes in a mid-16th century manuscript?



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