[Bell Historians] Replica frames

John Harrison john at vdE_9CJuQcZdOwR3BAhkU90XwVJP4bvelG2Sd3VQBlaMzRv93iecsfoGZ8g425nelrj6jNJ6dFprRgeyZlUL.yahoo.invalid
Tue Nov 9 12:45:35 GMT 2010

That is an interesting idea, and seems to reflect what aifa happens with
old dilapidated buildings.  Where parts of the structure are either missing
or no longer able to function effectively, they are replaced using
materials and constructive techniques that as closely as possible reflect
the original.

The logic is presumably that if the building is no longer an effective
structural entity, then some intervention is essential to enable it to
continue to function, and that this is the most appropriate (or least bad)
form of intervention.  

The analogy with a bell frame relies on appropriate interpretation of
'ability to function effectively', which I suspect is where things get a
bit grey.

John Harrison
Website http://jaharrison.me.uk

Message sent from an Iyonix running RISC-OS 5


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