[Bell Historians] Method name

Sue Marsden erincaters at OzMb3FAXFdT2W4KUqytwUepHN00eazko1UlhM6gRl0Jc01yN9i5CbjMwGDv9LrTlglEIEr-u7rEUQ_28lHFf6gRYWv4.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jan 21 10:13:40 GMT 2011

> According to Karl Grave's book 'Forbidden Methods' (Whiting Society)
> page 78, the method now called 'Queen Mary Surprise' was published as
> 'Primrose' in Campanologia in 1702. It later formed, with Violet and
> Tulip, part of the 'Crown Bob on the Three Flowers', a touch of spliced
> popular in the W Riding in the 19th century.
> Karl Grave says: "After its condemnation by Law James, the name,
> Primrose, which it had borne for two centuries, was confiscated and
> handed to the Permitted, modernised version which bears the name today
> (a method which already had a perfectly good name of some antiquity:
> Ringers' Surprise). Yes, Law James certainly knew how to confuse the issue."

So looking at the above, a method was named Primrose very early on,
when there were other 'flower' names and before place names were
commonly used for new methods. So when Law James 'confiscated' the
name, was Ringers' Surprise  immediately renamed 'Primrose'and rung as
such? When was this done? I assume he is refering just to the Minor
method, so when the first peal of Major was rung in 1932 was it named
Primrose because the minor version was already being rung?



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