[Bell Historians] Method name

Hayden Charles hcharles at s3aIDMWrC_f8RP2sTMV9Uco2CGy_fp_CTuhaMqjKt4RJCLTdVfSNFmXO9f3N65mpPH5m6Mt1tYfFdj035EAr.yahoo.invalid
Fri Jan 21 13:04:14 GMT 2011

Sue Marsden wrote on 21/01/2011 10:13:
>> According to Karl Grave's book 'Forbidden Methods' (Whiting Society)
>> page 78, the method now called 'Queen Mary Surprise' was published as
>> 'Primrose' in Campanologia in 1702. It later formed, with Violet and
>> Tulip, part of the 'Crown Bob on the Three Flowers', a touch of spliced
>> popular in the W Riding in the 19th century.
>> Karl Grave says: "After its condemnation by Law James, the name,
>> Primrose, which it had borne for two centuries, was confiscated and
>> handed to the Permitted, modernised version which bears the name today
>> (a method which already had a perfectly good name of some antiquity:
>> Ringers' Surprise). Yes, Law James certainly knew how to confuse the issue."
> So looking at the above, a method was named Primrose very early on,
> when there were other 'flower' names and before place names were
> commonly used for new methods. So when Law James 'confiscated' the
> name, was Ringers' Surprise  immediately renamed 'Primrose'and rung as
> such? When was this done? I assume he is refering just to the Minor
> method, so when the first peal of Major was rung in 1932 was it named
> Primrose because the minor version was already being rung?

To summarise Karl Grave again:
The CC published a 'Collection of Legitimate Methods' in 1907 and Henry 
Law James was largely responsible. For minor this was the origin of the 
147 treble-dodging methods which met the requirements.

I am not sure if this means (modern) Primrose received its name then. 
Maybe someone has a copy?

Hayden Charles


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