1860s viewpoints

Chris Pickford c.j.pickford.t21 at JC7xGmN8b7s45Koam8_wS1YaGui4Ei08Sp7VE1LredipCME6N_jeKC0tjWQSZpaAfNfjUPoSklf9N6kiJ7Agg8eTSbc4tiRJ.yahoo.invalid
Thu Aug 23 12:56:39 BST 2012

*Reasons for installing bells* (from a local newspaper editorial, 1863)

... because the bells will throw their pleasant sounds to a great 
distance, charming the ear by their special melody with its 
memory-bringing faculty, and leading up to profitable musing and 
pleasant thoughts ... We are not campanologically scientific, and so 
cannot enlarge on the glories of bell-ringing, but we are as pleased as 
other men at the solemn harmonies which these great ministers of sound 

*Reasons for installing a chiming apparatus* (from an advertisement, c.1866)

... Unmanageable ringers are got rid of.

Two rather interesting and contrasting Victorian viewpoints, of similar 
date - the first bizarrely sentimentalist, the second delightfully blunt 
and ruthless!

Chris Pickford
E-mail: c.j.pickford at RQe780zYKNTRPYfkWBLKMUTerHJzXqGhXFiAnwUfE68HuXzMZu-0VXcZyTIrZppTJJ2PARe01r4CJ_C7ag.yahoo.invalid or (interchangeably) 
c.j.pickford.t21 at DplOoSPyR2n4PT-KlfpU6mPaljzfEyMIJPCAm7q0yWDlTjzU9v6iXgyC6hzZ85Ucrb5xbsPxRmQAVd7WuTefsddbolGmyA.yahoo.invalid

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