[Bell Historians] Olympic bell

Richard Grimmett richard at yQFjeCcdAEsN1zVaTQerxRLudl9tsSpkaH37NCLIoo0wh_FwxPNFWEDGdqPPTSOcmHZEwTxnTLwo-YgMDA.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 23 23:42:59 BST 2012

On 23/07/12 23:29, Dickon Love wrote:
> A photo of the Olympic Bell has found its way on to the internet. 
> Hopefully we'll see more of it on Friday.
> http://english.kyodonews.jp/photos/assets/201207/0720018-thumbx300.jpg
> DrL

Here is another that has been lurking on my hard drive for quite a while 

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