[r-t] Handbell Touch and minor principle

Andrew Johnson andrew_johnson at uk.ibm.com
Thu Nov 23 17:59:48 UTC 2006

ringing-theory-bounces at bellringers.net wrote on 23/11/2006 11:44:07:
> I also recall looking at the simple extension from 34-34.16 to 36-36.18 
> etc. This gives a simple treble bob type principle where the bells make 
> 3rds and 6ths either side of a 4-5 dodge. The plain course is 32 changes 

> and appears possibly to provide the basis of methods; eg 2nds at the end 

> gives a method with regular lead ends and the treble following the path 
> of the principle. My suspicion is that the degree of falseness in 
> methods based upon this principle would preclude much variety of 
> composition and also that the musical possibilities would be limited and 

> perhaps unusual. My theoretical knowledge is too limited for me to be 
> sure but I would be interested in any observations from members of the 
> list. No doubt this also has been looked at in the past but I can find 
> no record of it.
> Ted

Here's a peal I produced, so I expect there's scope for more compositions.


23456 W V F H
42356       -
26345   - s -
53624   - s
46352   - s
23654 - - -
34625   - s -

36X36.18.36X36.18.36X36.18.36X36.18 LE 12

bob = 14
single = 1234

Andrew Johnson

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