[r-t] Double extent of major

Richard Smith richard at ex-parrot.com
Tue Dec 4 15:13:57 UTC 2007

Richard Smith wrote:

> Philip Earis wrote:
> > If the requirement is relaxed to require merely a true double extent of
> > treble-dodging major (eg Bristol, spliced, etc), are there any tricks
> > that can be used to easily achieve this?
> A true 80,640 in a single method is trivial.  Just transpose
> a 40,320 for a plain major method for the right lead ends
> and you're there.

I ought to have added that you are restricted to using
methods that have sensible parity structures -- i.e. so that
the three changes when the treble is dodging either have +-+
or -+- parity.  This is exactly the requirement that is
needed to make a minor method work too.

This more or less rules out double changes (e.g. 1258) other
than at the division ends -- i.e. when the treble moves
between dodging positions.  (In principle you could still
have a double change with, say, a 1234.56.1234 block, but I
doubt many people would choose to.)

Off the top of my head, the only commonly rung method that
is affected by this is Cambridge.

In spliced, it ought to be possible to fit such a method in
if it were really wanted.


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