[r-t] All 4-runs in a quarter peal
Alexander Holroyd
holroyd at math.ubc.ca
Fri Jan 23 06:40:51 UTC 2015
Motivated by some of the discussions of the last few weeks, I started to
wonder whether it might be possible to get all 384 non-treble front and
back 4-runs into a 7-part 1344 of treble-dodging major. This is pretty
constraining, but after a lot of fiddling I managed to do it without any
occurrences of 3 or more blows in the same place.
Each lead contains at least 7 runs, and each section contains exactly 2
potential runs (i.e. including things like -7823 that become runs in other
Not sure quite what to describe it as, since all the leads are asymmetric.
Free-form treble-dodging, perhaps.
In the present form it has a quite a few "features" generally regarded as
undesirable. I doubt anyone would want to ring it. It is a proof of
concept to be improved on. There isn't much flexibility, but it might be
possible to develop it into something vaguely ringable.
cheers, Ander
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