[r-t] Compositions of the Decade: Part 8 - Cinques

Robert Lee rlee5040 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 24 12:53:27 UTC 2015

This thread prompted me to finish off an idea I've had lying around for a while. Here's my take on a simple LB composition:

5002 Stedman Cinques (RWL 24.06.15)

1.5.8-11.13.s15.17    31526478E90 (20)

s5.6                  514236      I

5.s6                  416253      I

s5.s9.s16.18          215643      I

5.s6                  513624      I   A

s5.6        *         314652      I

5.s6                  416253      I

s5.s9.s16.18          613245      I

2.5.s6.s13.s15        3152648709E
A                     613245
2.5.s6.s15            31526487E90
A                     613245
1.2.5.s6.s15          315264879E0
A                     613245
5.s6.s13.s15.22       3152647890E
A*                    312456

A* = A adding bob at 19 at *, omitting last two courses

Little bell runs in all but first course; 30 3456's, 27 6543's (inc 7 76543's), 2345's (inc 15 12345's), 5432's.

It's arguably simpler than Jack's peal with a fixed treble to boot. On the flip side there are fewer LB5's and you lose a few of the 'nicer' course ends (which can be included, but at the expense of the symmetry of the A block).


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