[r-t] Methods Committee terms of reference

Don Morrison dfm at ringing.org
Sat Feb 11 02:15:55 UTC 2017

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 7:43 PM, Mark Davies <mark at snowtiger.net> wrote:
> I've already had this contribution from Graham, Tim and Don
> - Provide and maintain the Council's definitions and requirements
> - for change ringing, including methods, method classification,
> - method extension, calls, compositions and performances.
> Act as arbiter to resolve any conflicts that occur in method naming
> by different bands, or to request alternative names for methods that
> may be considered inappropriate.

Truth in advertising disclaimer: while I did have a hand in crafting these
in general, my own, personal opinion, with which I believe others disagree,
is that the two, specific ones quoted above are not quite right:

I do not believe the Methods Committee should hold The One Ring To Rule
Them All, worrying about the definitions, etc., of everything. Rather, it
should at most worry about just those for methods. Calls and compositions
are more naturally in the purview of the Compositions Committee, and
performances in that of the Peal Records Committee.

I do not believe the Methods Committee should be the arbiter, the court of
last resort. Rather it should simply facilitate find a resolution to such
conflicts, but shouldn't itself have the Last Word.

Don Morrison <dfm at ringing.org>
"Eight years ago I said it was time to change the tone of our
politics. In hindsight, I clearly should have been more specific."
-- Barack Obama, address to the White House Correspondents Dinner, 2016
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