[r-t] Composition Library question

Graham John graham at changeringing.co.uk
Mon May 22 12:49:19 UTC 2017

On 22 May 2017 at 10:55, Joe Norton wrote:

> https://complib.org/composition/33386 - Essentially it is PB Major
> of length 1728 which finishes with the change 12436578.
> It is then brought round with a 1278 call, giving 1729 changes.
> When I put the composition into Complib, I defined a lead
> position at position 17 and defined the 14.1278 bob at that
> position.
> My question is, what should I call that position to make it clear
> where the call is supposed to be? It currently says
> "r = 14.1278 POS17 Bob", but I don't think that POS17
> gives a very clear indication of where the bob is supposed to
> be called.

I welcome any thoughts on how best to standardise the footnotes for
unusual calls, which are automatically generated by Complib. It is not
just calls in unusual places, it is also how to handle and display
calls that extend or reduce the length of a lead [this is currently
only supported by adding further method definitions to the composition
for the adjusted lead lengths]. Complib is treading new ground with
much of this automation, so ideas to improve it are always welcome.

One of the advantages of Complib is that you can display the Rows/Blue
Line for a composition. That means that however it has been defined,
you can inspect the rows to see what it really means. If only this
were available for some of the more obscure footnotes and calling
notations provided by composers in paper collections!

In Joe's case the call is an extension of a lead end call, so he could
enter the lead position name (in the method definition and call
definition) as "extended lead end" since spaces are permitted in this
field. This would result in a footnote of "r = 14.1278 extended lead
end Bob." if that is considered an improvement.


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