[Bell Historians] Re: Exeter

jimhedgcock jameshedgcock at h...
Sat Oct 2 12:58:33 BST 2004

Both Thow and Rev JGM Scott The Bells of Exeter Cathedral give the 
weight as 7 0 22.

In bellhistorians at yahoogroups.com, David Bryant <david at b...> wrote:
> > The Exeter Cathedral website has it at 7-0-22
> Yes, I know, but it's possible that they have the old weight! The 
rings of 12 website has the other weight. I wrote the Exeter entry 
for this, but can't remember the source for the weights - probably 
Thow. I inspected the bells a couple of weeks ago, but there is no 
weight chart in the tower. The bell in question is one of relatively 
few cast during the first world war (1915 in this case). Its 
inscription makes reference to this fact: 'Recast in War, I hope to 
herald peace, when all shall love, and "Hymns of Hatred" cease.'
> David
> -- 
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