Bells in Strange Pits

Mike Chester mike at
Wed Nov 24 15:39:13 GMT 2010

To fill in the odd gap - these appeared on Change Ringers today

...... Colan, Cornwall (3) are hung anti-clockwise but rung clockwise; the treble rope was drawn diagonally across the tower some years back to accommodate a new organ 

Phil Tremain

Wickham St. Paul (GF, 5, Essex) as another curiosity: Though
ropes drop into Church clockwise the Treble and Tenor ropes cross over in the silence chamber - no room for tenor in "correct" place due to access stair.  Interesting to handle...

Darley Dale, 6 and 7 are the wrong way round: their ropes cross in the clock chamber. Doesn't seem to affect their go.

Simon Humphrey



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